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Pending, Hidden and Visible: The differences of startup statuses in communities
Pending, Hidden and Visible: The differences of startup statuses in communities

How to manage startups in your community and how to remove a startup from your community

Reetta Pellikka avatar
Written by Reetta Pellikka
Updated over a week ago

As a community admin, you can manage your startup pool on the manage page. There are multiple statuses a startup can have in your community, and in this article, we will dig deeper into what they mean and when they are applicable.

Note: The admins of the company profiles have automatic access to your community once approved. So if the startup has 3 admins, all of them will gain access to your community.

In this article:

Pending - waiting to be approved

When you first invite a startup to your community (either via email invitation or a registration link), and the founder has registered a startup profile, they will have the status "pending".

This means that

  • the startup is not visible in the community

  • the founder doesn't have full access to the community

The founder sees this while the startup is "Pending". They have the option to withdraw their request and contact the community admins.

Companies are always pending first so that community admins can control which companies are visible in their communities.

A general rule of thumb should be to check that the company is not fake and wait until they have filled out their company information to an acceptable level before approving them to the community.

Checklist before approving a company

  1. Check that the company is legitimate.

  2. Ensure that they have enough information filled out, aka a complete profile. The profile completeness % is a handy tool for this, you can add it to the table from the "customise columns" button.

  3. If you have any doubts, please contact the founder via chat. You can find the contact button by clicking the 3 dots on the right hand side of the table.

When you click "Approve" the founder will get an email notification that they have been approved into the community.

Visible - approved into the community

After you have deemed the company OK and clicked the "Approve" button, the company becomes visible in the community.

This means that everyone else in the community can see the company profile and team, and the company administrators gain access to the community page.

Members of the community can now:

  • Save the company to their collection.

  • Start following the company.

  • Reach out to the founders.

Every visible company will have their company card presented on the member page:

Hidden - company profile hidden from the community

Sometimes, the case can arise when you temporarily hide a startup profile from your community. If this happens, you can use the "hidden" toggle in settings.

When hidden

  • the company is not visible to the other members of the community

  • the company administrators no longer have access to the community

  • community members who have started to follow the company will keep their access

  • the company profile has not been deleted

If you want to give the startup access later, you can toggle them back to "visible".

Remove the startup from the community.

If you need to remove a startup from your community completely, you can choose the "remove company" option from the menu behind the three dots.

This will altogether remove the startup from the community, and if you want it to be visible again later on, you will need to issue them a new invitation.

Note: This won't delete the company profile.

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