You can now set your limited company profile to be public (Read here how to do that), which allows CrowdWorks to match your company with investors whose investment preferences match you!
The public layer is divided into two categories:
1. What registered CrowdWorks users see
Registered users in CrowdWorks will see your "profile" tab, including:
Company general information
Your public updates
Uploaded pitch document
Problem and solution
Market potential
Why invest in us
Impact goals
Team members in the team tab
They also will have the ability to start following you!
By setting your company's limited profile to public, other CrowdWorks users can share your limited profile with others.
Tip: you can preview what information is visible in your limited public profile by clicking the "Viewing as" button at the top of the page and choosing "visitor".
Also, if you are part of a community as a company, your limited company profile will be visible to all the community members. The information listed above will be visible to the community members, so if you have sensitive information that you don't want to share with the community members, don't include that in your pitch.
2. What unregistered users will see
You can also share a link to your company profile online with unregistered users, and they get to see your company's general information:
From here, they can register a user profile and start following your company.
NB! Valuation is only visible to you (company admin) and your investors.