You can post updates to communities you are a member of! Posting updates will attract the interest of community members and, for example, is a great tool to get investors to follow your company. Don't miss the opportunity to attract the right investors for your company! Keep your profile active by sharing growth signals with the community.
Ideas on what to post:
Traction updates
Success stories
New product launches
New hires
Learning points
There are 2 ways of sharing an update to a community:
Note: You can only post to 1 audience/community at a time.
Post community update in the community
Navigate to the community you want to share the update with
Click on the"Post community update" box
Write your content
Add images, attachments, social media, etc
Write a community update via your company page
Navigate to your company page and updates tab
Click on the "Post company update" box
Click on the audience selector
Choose the community as your audience. Note you can only post to 1 audience at a time.
Write your update
Click "Publish" to share the update with the community. The update will be only visible in the community you have chosen and can be read by the community members.
Tip: if you want to add a title to your update use the text formatting options on the left-hand side of the toolbar.
Text formatting
Use normal for body text and highlight titles and subtitles by choosing Heading 1 or Heading 2.
Make words bold or cursive to emphasise important sections.
Add quotes by clicking the quotation mark.
Simplify text by adding either bullet points or numbered lists
External content
You can link to or embed external online content to your update to make it more engaging as well as add photos.
A preview of the linked page will be shown in the update and readers can click the link
Highlight the word or section of the text you want to add the link to and click the link icon on the toolbar.
Click the image icon in the toolbar to insert an image to your post
Embed content
You can embed content from other social media to your updates.
Add LinkedIn or YouTube videos to your update to make it more engaging. Read more about that here.
Embed company profiles
You can add company profiles into your update to showcase for example company of the month, presenting companies etc. Read more about that here.
Emojis, mentions and attachments
Highlight the right members by mentioning them in your update or attach important documents you want to make sure your network sees.
Add emojis to make your text more visual by clicking the Simley and choosing the desired one.
Mention relevant members on your update by clicking the @ - icon and writing the name of the person you want to mention. Read more about mentions here.
People you tag will be notified about it.
Attach documents, presentations or other files to your update to easily share them with your network.