Showcase your events to the full CrowdWorks network by publishing them on your organisation profile! As an organisation admin, you now have all the tools to create, edit, and delete events on your profile.
Tip: Add your event calendar to your organisation's profile and use it as a marketing tool. You can share, for example, your webinars, programs, conferences, and other important dates your network should add to their calendar.
Step 1: How to find the Create Event tool
Organisation profile: You can find the "Create event" button at the bottom of the organisation profile page.
Step 2: Fill in event details
When you click “Create Event,” a pop-up window will open. Here’s what you can do:
1. Add a title for your event
This will be visible in the preview
This is a mandatory field
2. Start time - End time
Add the date and time your event takes place
Start time is mandatory
The end time is optional
3. Choose visibility
Platform only means that only logged-in CrowdWorks members can see the event details
Internet public means that if you share the link to the event online, everyone with that link can see the preview of the event
4. Location details
Add the physical location of your event. You can search by city.
The location field now supports a full address format, including zip codes, so you can accurately specify where in-person events will be held.
If the event is online only, you can leave this field empty and include the links to the event in the text field.
4. Contact person
Choose who is the contact person for the event
It is automatically the person creating the event, but you can choose anyone who is an admin in the organisation
5. Call to action - button
Add a custom call to action button to your event
Choose the title from the list and paste your link to the box
The button will be visible at the top of the event and you can use it to highlight an important action the viewer needs to take
6. Event description
Add your event details to the text field
You can include links to more information, online registration and webinar links
Text styling: Bold, italicize, or underline text to highlight important information.
Use lists: Add bullet points or numbered lists to keep information organized and easy to follow.
Tag members: Mention community members by tagging them directly in the event details. You can tag people and companies. Mention for example companies pitching or people holding a presentation.
Embed media and attachments:
Links: Embed hyperlinks to direct attendees to external resources.
Images and videos: Upload visual content to engage participants.
Attachments: Include relevant files, such as PDFs or PowerPoint presentations, to provide additional event information.
Step 3: Publish your event
Click "Publish" to share your event on your organisation profile.
Edit or Delete Events
After creating an event, you can always go back to make changes or delete it if needed.
How to edit events
Open the event, and on the right-hand side, you will find 3 dots. Click them to open to see the edit option in the drop-down. Click "Edit" to edit its details.
After you have made your edits, click Save to publish them.
How to delete events
Open the event, and on the right-hand side, you will find 3 dots. Click them to open to see the delete option in the drop-down. Click "Delete" to delete the event.
Q: Can I edit an event after it’s published?
A: Absolutely! Just open the event and select “Edit” to make any necessary changes.
Q: Who can create and manage events?
A: Only organisation admins have permission to create, edit, or delete events within the organisation.